Tuesday, July 3, 2007

July 07

Hey everybody,

I figured since it had been about a month since I posted anything I had better put some more stuff on here. Not alot has been going on since the last post except for the temp getting hotter everyday. Our average afternoon high is about 115 - 120 every day. I got picked up as a supervisor at another camp in our area a couple of weeks ago so sometime soon I should be moving to my new camp. I have been there before because I have to go through there whenever I leave to go on R&R and what not. It is called Marez and it is in the city of Mosul. It is a little more active than this place but not much. Still one of the safer places to be over here. I am gonna enjoy the raise though. I can start paying off bills even quicker. It is about a 30K a year raise. The more I make the less time I have to spend here. I am gonna be leaving here in about 10 days to head out to Rome where I am meeting Phyllis and Shae for 8 days. I have been there while I was in the Navy but am looking forward to going back again and getting some good pictures. Phyllis and Shae are REAAAALLLYYY looking forward to it. Plane tickets, rooms and rental car are already paid for so I only have to pay for the meals while we are there. On the way back I am going to stay in Dubai for a couple days just to check out some of the stuff there and maybe do some shopping. Last time I was there was in 2001. It is the slow season there right now because of the extreme temps. It is around 120-130 there this time of year. I might try to bring Phyllis over there when the weather cools down. It is a really amazing city with lots of stuff to do. And not very expensive. Well that is the latest form over here. I will talk to you all soon. I have included some pics of one of our local pets.........LOL


Grandma Budke said...

What IS that animal???Some kind of lizard is my guess and are there great numbers of them?

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,
Matt Lauer from the Today show was in Dubai earlier this year and it looked Awesome!! There is a new hotel there that is spectacular looking. You should check it out. Have fun!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris!!
I'm assuming we'll see some pictures from your vacation and be sure to put some on of Dubai. The e-mail you sent about Dubai didn't come through for me, so I didn't get to see it. Take care, Ruth